We appreciate your taking the time to evaluate the 3D ImageCube software. 3D ImageCube
lets you choose any six images and create a 3D cube or a carousel (see below). Since the
results are saved in Web-standard formats (HTML and VRML files), you can immediately see
-- and interact with -- your scene. If you do not currently have a VRML 2.0 viewer
(required to experience 3D ImageCubes) you can find out how to download one from our
Website at http://www.trivista.com/vrml.
3D ImageCube has been designed to provide a lightening quick path to your first image cube -- instant gratification! Even better, the entire process happens in just a few screens, which you can revisit at any time to make additions and modifications to your new scenes. Below is a description of the first Screen.
Screen 1
From this screen you can tell the software that you would like to create a new Image Cube
or Image Carousel or load in an existing Image Cube or Image Carousel file (which has a
suffix of .tis). You can only select one of the three choices.
Create Image Cube - This is the default selection. The output will be a six sided object (front, back, left ,right, top, bottom) where all of the six faces are square. For the image cube there are no other decisions to be made on this first screen. Simply click "Next" to go on to the next screen.
Create Image Carousel - The image carousel also uses six images. However, in this case, the top and bottom are hexagons, with no images. All six images are on the sides. The resulting object resembles a merry-go-round, thus the name "Image Carousel." The faces of the carousel can be either square or one of three rectangular shapes.
When "Image Carousel" is selected, the previously grayed out selections in that section turn black and are now active. This will allow you to make some selections which will affect how the Image Carousel looks. Selecting "Outer" will provide a view of the carousel from a distance. Selecting "Inner" will provide a view of the images from inside the carousel.
The faces can either be square or rectangular. If you select rectangular, you are provided with three different rectangular shapes which are based on common sizes for prints (3"x5" and 4"x6") and digital pictures (640x480 or 4x3).
Load Existing Image Cube or Carousel - Select this button if you have previously created an image cube or carousel and would like to load it in. Whenever you create an image cube or carousel, a .tis (TriVista Image Scene) file is created for you automatically. By loading in an existing .tis file, you can make minor changes to the scene, without having to start from scratch.
On the bottom of this screen (and all other screens) are six buttons (Help, About, Register, Back, Next, and Exit). Help brings up a Web browser and displays information describing the particular screen you are on. The About button contains our name and address, version number, copyright notice, and tells you where to find registration information. The Registration button (which only shows up on unregistered versions) provides detailed information on how to register the software. Back takes you back to the previous screen (except for the first screen where it is grayed out), Next takes you forward to the next screen and Exit exits the program.